Orientation Steps

New Student Orientation is designed for incoming first-year and transfer students beginning their experience at App State.

Orientation has three distinct components – an online pre-orientation course, an on-campus orientation and the Welcome to App program of events focused on helping you learn your way around campus and meeting fellow Mountaineers.

International students will complete both New Student Orientation and International Student Orientation.

Admitted Flight Path students will complete a separate orientation experience and should reach out to admissions@onlineprograms.appstate.edu for more information. 

Orientation Steps for Incoming Students

New student orientation is a required enrollment step for all incoming new undergraduate students, including first-year and transfer students.

Step 1: Register for Orientation

You will register for orientation through your MyMountaineer Portal under the Orientation tab.  Session dates are first come first serve. Make sure to have two or three date options available in case your first choice is full. The earlier you register, the more likely you will get your first choice date.

Parents and families are invited to attend a specialized one-day Parent and Family Orientation program that is tailored specifically for parents and families of new students. This program takes place at the same time as your student’s on-campus orientation. A link to register for Parent and Family Orientation will be included in the student's confirmation email once they have registered. 

Registering for Orientation Based on Your Student Type or Population

The registration system will take into account your student type and only present orientation dates that are available to you.

Incoming transfer students have the option to attend a Transfer Pre-Orientation Program (T-POP) session prior to New Student Orientation. Get a head start on advising and class registration and meet other new transfer students during this fun (and free!) program.

Changing Your Orientation Date

  • Fall Orientation: You can change your orientation date yourself by going through the registration process again in your MyMountaineer portal. The orientation dates that are available to you based on student type and space availability will be listed to choose from.
  • Spring Orientation: Due to the smaller cohort of mountaineers that begin enrollment during the Spring semester, we only hold one in-person Orientation session. Please try your best to make accommodations to attend this session to get the full experience.

Our registration system only allows changes to be made within 48 hours of your registered Orientation date. If you need to make a change within the 48-hour window, please email orientation@appstate.edu.

Paying for Orientation

The cost of orientation is separate from your enrollment deposit and covers all orientation expenses including your AppCard, Common Reading book, food, guests attending the Parent & Family Orientation, and more. 

You will not be billed for New Student Orientation until after you attend. These charges will be billed directly to your student account as part of your first semester tuition and fees. These fees are non-refundable after you have attended orientation. 

More information can be found on the Orientation Cost page. 

Step 2: Submit Your AppCard Photo

Follow the instructions from the AppCard Office for submitting your AppCard photo. Make sure to use your App State email to submit your photo. The AppCard Office cannot accept photos sent from personal email accounts.

Picking Up Your AppCard

You will be able to pick up your AppCard during orientation. The opportunity to pick up your AppCard will be part of your orientation schedule.

Online and Hickory campus students, or any student that would like their AppCard mailed, can pay a small fee to have their card shipped to them by reaching out to the AppCard office.

Step 3: Complete Your Advising & PREP Steps

As a new student, we know you're ready to start planning your academic journey at App State! To prepare for class registration and your advising appointment, make sure to complete your Advising & PREP Steps.

Advising steps should be completed prior to orientation.

Step 4: Attend/Complete Orientation

During orientation, you will have the opportunity to meet other students, learn about campus resources, and begin planning out your academic experience at App State. You will also have time to learn more about your intended major or begin the process of exploring majors. More information about the day and how to prepare can be found on the Session Details page. 

Lodging Information

Overnight accommodations are not provided on campus UNLESS you register for a 2-day Overnight Orientation session. Overnight orientation sessions are available on a limited basis and allow students to stay in a residence hall on campus as part of their orientation experience. Parents and family members are responsible for finding their own overnight accommodations, as on-campus housing is strictly for incoming students. 

Step 5: Attend Welcome to App and Start Classes!

Welcome to App is an extension of your New Student Orientation and gives you the opportunity to get more comfortable on campus, make new friends, have fun and start weaving yourself into the fabric of student life at App State.

International Student Orientation

International students must complete both New Student Orientation and International Student Orientation.

International orientation is required for all international degree-seeking students (both students on an F1 or J1 visa status and those who have never attended a university in the United States).

International Student Orientation is offered through International Student and Scholar Services and Outreach (ISSSO)

New International Student Orientation will take place on the Boone campus prior to the start of Fall semester classes.

This hybrid program also includes virtual components in the form of AsULearn modules and Zoom sessions.

Parent and Family Orientation

Parents and families are invited to attend a specialized one-day Parent and Family Orientation program that is tailored specifically for parents and families of new students.

This program is not mandatory. Registration is required for family members who opt to attend, and is limited to two family members per student.

Registering for Parent and Family Orientation

This program takes place at the same time as your student’s on-campus orientation. Registration for Parent and Family Orientation will be available after your student has registered New Student Orientation. Please visit the Parent and Family Orientation site for more details on how to register.

Cost of Parent and Family Orientation

The cost of the Parent and Family Orientation is covered by your student’s orientation fee and registration will include one meal voucher card per family member that registers to attend.

Schedule for Parent and Family Orientation

Families and students will start the day together and check-in at the same location, but will then have separate schedules until the afternoon. Family members will be provided with their own schedule of activities for the day, which are tailored to help them learn how to best support their students during this time of transition.