Transfer Pre-Orientation Program (T-POP)

The Transfer Pre-Orientation Program (T-POP) is a day of activities designed to help newly admitted App State transfer students find the answers to their questions and prepare for their upcoming orientation session.

Participation in T-POP is entirely free!

Those who chose to attend T-POP in addition to Orientation will be able to: 

  • gain access to course registration and advising ahead of other incoming students, giving you a head start on getting into the course sections of your choice
  • meet other transfer students 
  • connect with various campus partners to ask questions
  • have their enrollment deposit rolled into your first-semester tuition bill to allow for financial aid to cover this cost if applicable.  

T-POP Session Dates

Transfer students starting Summer and Fall 2025:


April 21st


April 25th


April 28th

T-POP registration will open in March! 

Please note: You must be admitted to App State to be eligible for the program. If you have not been admitted to App State yet, you should consider attending one of our Transfer Information Sessions.

Preparing for T-POP

Submit Medical History and Immunization Record Form

Please also note that before attending classes, all App State students must submit a Report of Medical History and Immunization Record Form as required by University Policy and North Carolina law. If you have not yet completed these online forms, please review the link and complete this enrollment step as soon as possible.

Submit Your AppCard Photo

Submit your AppCard photo prior to T-POP to make sure that your card is ready for pickup when you arrive on campus. Follow these AppCard instructions on how to submit your photo. Make sure to use your App State email to submit your photo. The AppCard Office cannot accept photos sent from personal email accounts.

What to Bring

Just bring your questions and concerns! There will be lots of opportunities to ask your questions to staff and students. You will receive a tote bag at check-in to collect materials and swag throughout the day. 

Event Details

Schedule and Location

Check-in for T-POP will start at 9:00 a.m. outside Linville Falls (Room 226) located on the 2nd floor of the Plemmons Student Union. Our opening session starts at 9:30 a.m. The day will conclude around 3 p.m. 

A detailed schedule will be emailed to registered participants. The following tentative schedule lists an outline of the day's events. 

Parking Information

Students and guests who attend T-POP will be given access to free parking. Information to redeem this offer will be emailed to student closer to the event date. 

Parking will be available in the Rivers Street Parking Deck.